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The Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research (KSCE J. Civ. Environ. Eng. Res.) is a bimonthly journal, founded in December 1981, for the publication of peer-reviewed papers devoted to research and development for a wide range of civil engineering fields.

• Editor-in-chief: Il-Moon Chung

자동복원 마찰슬릿댐퍼의 해석적 거동특성 분석 Analytical Behavior Characteristics Analysis of AutomaticRestoring Friction Slit Damper

이헌우(Lee Heon-Woo);허종완(Hu Jong-Wan)

In this study, we propose a self-restoring friction slit damper by combining the concepts of self-restoring dampers, friction dampers, and steel dampers that are currently used and researched. For this purpose, an innovative damper structure was designed using superelastic shape memory alloy for automatic recovery and combining the concepts of friction damper and slit damper. Afterwards, detailed design was carried out and variables such as material, with of strut, and bolt fastening force were set. Modeling was performed using the ABAQUS program for a total of 12 dampers, and finite element analysis was performed by substituting the designed loading protocol. As a result, the self-recovering friction slit damper using superelastic shape memory alloy was excellent in terms of load, but the energy dissipation ability was not significantly secured due to the excellent recovery performance. However, friction slit dampers made of Gr.50 steel have dramatically improved performance in terms of load and energy dissipation through innovative structural improvements. Through this, the innovative structure of the damper, which combines the mechanisms of a friction damper and a steel damper, was demonstrated.

마이크로캡슐로 코팅한 상변화 물질과 나노소재를 적용한 고효율 열저장 시멘트 복합체 성능 검증 연구 A Reaserch on the Performance Verification of Energy Storage Mortar Enhanced in Thermal Efficiency and Strength by Applying Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials and Nanomaterials

안준혁(Ahn JunHyuk)

This study aims to prevent freezing of existing domestic buildings by developing an energy storage mortar with increased energy efficiency that can reduce the increase in carbon emissions and maintenance costs due to external energy use due to heat wires in civil engineering and buildings with embedded heat wires. I suggest. Research has focused on incorporating phase change materials (PCMs) into common cement composites to provide latent heat performance. However, concrete mixed with phase change materials shows problems such as leakage of phase change materials, decreased strength, and insufficient thermal performance. To overcome this problem, we encapsulate phase change materials using microcapsules and mix them into cement composites to minimize strength loss and leakage, and use multi-walled carbon nanotubes and silica fume to minimize the strength reduction of concrete. A heat storage cement composite was developed. When high-efficiency heat storage cement was used as a replacement for ordinary cement composite in an environment where heat wires were buried, the effect was shown to reduce energy by about 42 %, and compared to a cement composite containing only PCM, the compressive strength and bending strength were 18 % and 23 %, respectively. was improved and its effectiveness was proven.

시계열 분석 및 딥러닝 모형을 활용한 월 강수량 예측 비교 Comparing Monthly Precipitation Predictions Using Time Series Analysis with Deep Learning Models

정연지(Chung Yeon-Ji);김민기(Kim Min-Ki);엄명진(Um Myoung-Jin)

This study sought to improve the accuracy of precipitation prediction by utilizing monthly precipitation data for each region over the past 30 years. Using statistical models (ARIMA, SARIMA) and deep learning models (LSTM, GBM), we learned monthly precipitation data from 1983 to 2012 in Gangneung, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Busan, Seoul, Jeju, and Chuncheon. Based on this, monthly precipitation was predicted for 10 years from 2013 to 2022. As a result of the prediction, most models accurately predicted the precipitation trend, but showed a tendency to underpredict the actual precipitation. To solve these problems, appropriate models were selected for each region and season. The LSTM model showed suitable results in Gangneung, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Busan, Seoul, Jeju, and Chuncheon. When comparing forecasting power by season, the SARIMA model showed particularly suitable forecasting performance in winter in Gangneung, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Seoul, and Chuncheon. Additionally, the LSTM model showed higher performance than other models in the summer when precipitation is concentrated. In conclusion, closely analyzing regional and seasonal precipitation patterns and selecting the optimal prediction model based on this plays a critical role in increasing the accuracy of precipitation prediction.

Research Perspectives for Developing Seawater Intrusion Indicators in Changing Environments with Case Studiesof Korean Coastal Aquifers: A Review

Sun Woo Chang(Sun Woo Chang);Il Hwan Kim(Il Hwan Kim)

The global use of groundwater in coastal areas has increased. Events such as seawater intrusion (SWI) are expected to increase along with the acceleration of natural disasters owing to environmental changes such as climate change, resulting in large-scale damage worldwide. Current trends in the research of coastal groundwater and related natural disasters include testing and verifying technologies using major case studies from individual countries. We identified global research trends in coastal groundwater, related these trends to changing environments and climate, and confirmed the qualitative and quantitative growth of these studies. This study describes the theoretical background and techniques for coastal groundwater analysis and details regional-scale SWI indicators based on analytical and numerical studies. This review highlights recent technologies that consider uncertainty and promotes discussions on field data obtained using new technologies. Finally, the research findings and trends for a regional coastal aquifer in Korea are discussed to describe recent SWI approaches for groundwater resources.

도시화 및 기후변화에 의한 안성천 유역의 지하수 함양량 변화 분석 Analysis of Groundwater Recharge in Anseong River Basin under Urbanization and Future Climate Change

우소영(Woo Soyoung);김원진(Kim Wonjin);장선우(Chang Sunwoo);최시중(Choi Sijung);김철겸( Kim, Chul-Gyum)

This study analyzed changes in groundwater recharge due to urbanization and future climate change using the SWAT hydrological model in the Anseong river basin (1,647 km2) adjacent to the west sea of Korea. The urbanization scenario was constructed based on increasing urban density and expansion, resulting in a decrease in groundwater recharge and recharge rate by 19.9 mm and 1.77 %, respectively. Future climate change scenarios were simulated using two models representing extreme rainfall and drought, with the drought model indicating that maintaining an average recharge rate of 21.6 % would be challenging. Results from the combined scenario of urbanization and extreme drought suggest that groundwater recharge during the spring season in urban areas would be most significantly affected.

SWAT-K 모형의 국내 토양특성 정보 구축 Korean Soil Characteristics Database for SWAT-K Model

이정은(Lee JeongEun);김철겸(Kim Chul-Gyum);이정우(Lee Jeongwoo);정일문(Chung Il-Moon)

SWAT-K (Soil and Water Assessment Tool-Korea) model is a long-term runoff model using a soil-centered water balance equation. Soil is crucial for simulating hydrological components, requiring a database (usersoil.dbf) with soil series attribute information. Since the soil property information estimated by soil transfer functions developed overseas does not reflect the characteristics of domestic soil, the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology has established the soil database, which incorporates the results of domestic soil surveys and research from the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences. This study provides a more detailed description of the hydrological component simulation process using soil property information and revises and supplements the previously established soil database to operate in the latest SWAT model. Additionally, by providing this database through the integrated water management platform, it is expected to be utilized not only in the SWAT-K model but also in various watershed hydrological models developed considering soil characteristics.

경주·포항형 지진파에 대한 세종시 지역의 설계응답스펙트럼 성능평가 Evaluation of Design Response Spectrum in Sejong City Using Gyeongju and Pohang Type Seismic Waves

오현주(Oh HyunJu);이성현(Lee SungHyun);박형(Park HyungChoon)

In the seismic design standard, input waves for different levels of seismic performance are proposed in the form of design response spectra. At the time of establishing these standards, measured records of significant earthquakes that occurred domestically, such as the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake and the 2017 Pohang earthquake, were not included. Additionally, for the ground response analysis, shear wave velocities representing ground amplification characteristics were derived from the results of standard penetration tests (N-values) and applied in empirical formulas. This approach may not adequately capture sufficient information about the characteristics of domestic ground properties. Therefore, in this study, seismic records from the Gyeongju and Pohang earthquakes were modified to adjust the bedrock standard design response spectra. Ground response analyses were conducted using shear wave velocity profiles obtained from borehole tests in the Sejong City area. The shape of the response spectrum and ground amplification coefficient obtained from the ground response analysis were then compared with those from existing studies and seismic design standard.

구조방정식을 활용한 제주 도심지역 트램 도입 수용성 분석 Acceptability Analysis of Tram Adoption in Jeju Urban Areas Using a Structural Equation Modeling

임영호(Lim Youngho);정연식(Chung Younshik);장민철(Jang Mincheol);김종진(Kim Jong-Jin)

When introducing a new policy or technology, it is common for both opposing and approving opinions to exist. In particular, identifying factors that influence opposing opinions can be the first step to successfully introducing new policies or technologies. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the acceptability of tram, a new transportation mode, in urban areas of Jeju. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 326 Jeju residents and 104 tourists for eight days, and the surveyed data was analyzed for the main factors affecting acceptability using structural equation modeling (SEM). As a result, it was found that the higher the recognition of tram operation characteristics, the more positive the acceptability. In particular, while tram operation in downtown Jeju was evaluated positively from the perspective of the convenience of using public transportation and the urban environment, it was evaluated negatively from the perspective of traffic crashes, congestion, and pedestrian safety due to traffic conflicts. These results are expected to be used as a basis for establishing policies to successfully adopt trams in Jeju City in the future.

민자도로의 통행료 할인 현황과 일몰형 통행차량의 보조금 지급 방안 Analysis of Private Road Toll Discounts and Subsidy Payment Plan for Sunset-type Vehicles

김지명(Kim Ji-Myong);임광균(Lim Kwangk-kyun)

Vehicle toll discounts on private roads are categorized into two types: non-sunset and sunset. Sunset types refer to provisions in which all or part of a law loses its effect upon a specific legislator-set deadline. Vehicles eligible for 'sunset' discounts include cargo vehicles operating late at night and eco-friendly vehicles powered by electricity or hydrogen. Korean government has subsidized all reduced toll fees for vehicles classified as non-sunset types on private roads to operators, but no subsidies have been provided for toll reductions on sunset vehicles. The rapid increase in electric hydrogen vehicles escalates the burden of reduced toll revenue on private road operators. This study analyzed traffic volume and toll reduction data from eight private road operators nationwide as of the end of 2023 to propose the necessity and method of supporting sunset-type toll reduction subsidies. In 2022, the subsidy for non-sunset types amounted to 87.5 billion won, or 18.6 % of total traffic revenue. The toll exemption and reduction ratio under the concession agreement ranged from 4.0 % to 5.65 % of total traffic volume for each operator. Although the proportion of vehicles exempted from sunset traffic increased from 0.85 % in 2017 to 2.79 % in 2022, the reduction amount ratio reached 4.2 % (KRW 25.5 billion) of total traffic revenue in 2022. The escalating number of registered eco-friendly vehicles is gradually causing operating profit losses on private roads. In alignment with the government's policy to expand eco-friendly vehicles, it is imperative to consider including vehicles eligible for toll reductions listed under the sunset category for subsidy payments. The study established a minimum ratio for toll reduction assistance at 4.0 %, agreed upon between the road authorities and private operators. Three policy alternatives were proposed to ensure preservation of amounts exceeding this threshold for sustaining adequate toll revenue for private road operators.

자율주행자동차 혼입률에 따른 BRT 구간 교통류 특성 분석 Characteristics Analysis of Traffic Flow in BRT section according to Market Penetration Rates of Autonomous Vehicles

도명식(Do Myungsik);채운혁(Chae UnHyeok)

The purpose of this study is to analyze traffic flow characteristics according to the market penetration rate (MPR) of autonomous vehicles (AV) on road sections where bus rapid transit (BRT) is actually operating. Furthermore, the maximum traffic volume was set through estimation of future traffic demand, and traffic flow characteristics were analyzed through traffic simulation for each scenario considering of a combination of BRT introduction and AV’s MPR. To test statistical significance, Kruskal-Willis test and Jonckheere-Terpstra test were used to examine the impact of the market penetration rate of Autonomous vehicles on travel time and delay time etc. At the same time, the existence of the order relationship among travel time data according to the market penetration rate of autonomous vehicle was examined. As a result of the analysis, it was founded that the travel time significantly decreased as the MPR of AV increases in both intermittent flow and continuous flow environments. In particular, in the case of continuous flow, the law of increasing returns was satisfied in the effect of increasing travel speed and reducing travel time as the MPR of AV increases. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basic information for design plans for road reconstruction and space utilization after the commercialization of AV in the future.

구조방정식 모형을 이용한 공유주차 정책의 영향요인 분석(수원시를 중심으로) A Study on the Influencing Factors of Shared Parking Policy Using Structural Equation Model(Focused on Suwon City)

김숙희(Kim Sukhee);이규진(Lee Kyujin)

Sustainable development is recognized as the direction humanity should pursue, and transportation policies also aim to achieve sustainability by efficiently utilizing limited resources. Among them, parking policy is an important task that requires strategic implementation for sustainable transportation development in many cities. Shared parking is actively being considered for the efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities. In this study, we analyzed major influencing factors using a structural equation model to promote shared parking and derived policy implications accordingly. The most influential latent variable on shared parking preference was donation experience, followed by satisfaction with public transportation and satisfaction with existing sharing policies. The preference for shared parking was found to have a virtuous cycle effect on social value as it influenced the spread of shared value. In the end, the implementation of the parking sharing policy will improve the visible traffic environment. However, it is evident that the impact of promoting invisible shared values is more significant. In other words, the main implication of this study is that to implement the parking sharing policy effectively, more emphasis should be placed on recognizing the shared value and promoting the awareness of sustainable development.

분별해체 대가기준 수립을 위한 현장실사 결과분석 Analysis of On-Site Inspection Results for Establishing Cost Estimation Standards for Selective Dismantling Projects

허준규(Heo JuneKyu);김창학(Kim ChangHak)

The government has enacted legislation to enforce selective dismantling in order to increase the recycling of construction waste. Therefore, this study aims to propose a standard quantity per unit estimation method, crucial for determining the expenses associated with large-scale demolition projects necessary for public development, particularly in the context of extensive land development ventures. Four individual houses were thoroughly examined and tested. We surveyed the house to create a floor plan and conducted a detailed investigation of interior materials in order to propose a Standard Quantity per Unit for cost estimation of the selective dismantling work. The process encompassed precise measurement of the houses, creation of schematics, thorough scrutiny of interior materials, and division of the dismantling process into components such as ceilings, walls, and floors. The duration of each dismantling task was meticulously documented. Particular emphasis was placed on refining the methodology to accommodate factors such as window openings, thereby ensuring a heightened level of precision compared to preceding studies. The outcomes of this study are anticipated to serve as practical benchmarks for estimating costs in demolition projects, thereby fostering sustainable development within the construction industry.

공공건설사업의 성과평가를 통한 공사비 증가 원인 분석 및 증가 최소화 방안 Analysis of Causes of Increase in Construction Cost and Minimize Increase of Cost through Performance Evaluation of Public Construction Projects

문현석(Moon Hyunseok);류근호(Ryoo Geunho);홍현기(Hong Hyunki)

The government and local governments are utilizing regulations, policies, and various project management techniques at each project stage to effectively and systematically manage public construction projects. However, the increase in construction costs continues to occur. In order to solve these problems, this study attempted to collect cases of existing public construction projects and analyze historical data. And it would like to derive the impact factor of increased construction costs. Based on the results, a plan was proposed to prevent the causes of increase and minimize in construction costs. The main reasons for the increase in costs were the occurrence of civil petition, differences between design documents and site conditions, and changes due to requests from the owner and changes in the business plan. And to solve these problems, this study proposed improvement for each cause from an institutional perspective, along with interview with experts and project owners. The results of this study are significant in improving the process of existing public construction process and presenting key inspection and review items for each major inspection stage in order to solve problem resulting from the analysis of the performance of public construction projects.

교량 유지보수의 손상물량과 보수물량 상관관계 연구 A Study on the Correlation between Damage and Repair Volume of Bridge Maintenance

이창준(Lee Changjun);박태일(Park Taeil)

Infrastructure plays a crucial role in the industrial development and economic growth of a nation. However, recently, domestic infrastructure has been causing not only safety risks due to aging but also social and economic inefficiencies, increasing the need for maintenance. In particular, the deterioration rate of bridges is serious, so application of appropriate repair and rehabilitation methods and estimation of its quantity are required. In this study, frequently applied repair methods for bridges using data from the Facility Integrated Management System (FMS) were identified. the empirical correlation between damage volume and the repair volume was analyzed using Bridge Management System (BMS) data. The result of the analysis showed that the ratio of the repair volume to the damage volume was 1.0. The guideline, on the other hand, suggest 1.5 the ratio of the repair volume to the damage volume. Although the guidelines differently present more conservative figures considering safety, this study is significant in that it presents a practical ratio through data analysis results. This results can be used to develop a model that can calculate the amount of repair and rehabilitation of various facilities in the future.

철도시설부지 입체개발의 시설 배치에 대한 도시경쟁력 평가지표 개발 Development of Urban Competitiveness Evaluation Index on Facility Layout of Multi-dimensional Development of Farilway Facility Site

강윤원(Kang YounWon);김종구(Kim JongGu);신은호(Shin EunHo)

Recently, countries such as Japan and France are actively using three-dimensional development of land to secure available land. In Korea, too, the lack of available land within cities is a major problem, and in particular, the problem of decline due to disconnection due to division due to the railroad is emerging. As a solution to this, interest in three-dimensional development is increasing day by day, but the application or legal effectiveness of the concept is still lacking. Therefore, in this study, assuming that the Gyeongbu Line railway in Busan is underground, we attempted to apply the type of multi-dimensional development appropriate for each region to the land that would be created, and to predict how much it would contribute to urban competitiveness by arranging the necessary facilities for each part. To this end, we have developed an urban competitiveness index that can evaluate the layout of facilities by region, and since the range of the region is different from the existing evaluation indicator, it is judged that the three-dimensional development of the railway facility site can have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the city as a result of the prediction through a subjective survey.