Harwood, D. W., Bauer, K. M., Potts, I. B., Torbic, D. J., Richard, K. R., Kohlman
Rabbani, E. R., Hauer, E., Elefteriadou, L. and Griffith, M. S. (2003). Safety effectiveness
of intersection left - and right - turn lanes, TRID, Federal Highway Administration,
pp. 131-139.Harwood, D. W., Bauer, K. M., Potts, I. B., Torbic, D. J., Richard, K.
R., Kohlman Rabbani, E. R., Hauer, E., Elefteriadou, L. and Griffith, M. S. (2003).
Safety effectiveness of intersection left - and right - turn lanes, TRID, Federal
Highway Administration, pp. 131-139.