Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Method for Predicting Schedule Sequence and Entering Schedule Information Using Design 3D Model Attribute Information
Authors 임종원(Lim, Jong Won) ; 정상윤(Jung, Sang Yoon) ; 강인석(Kang, Leen Seok)
Page pp.863-869
ISSN 10156348
Keywords LSTM; BIM; 일정 정보; 건설 정보 모델링; 4D 시뮬레이션 LSTM; BIM; Schedule information; Building information modeling; 4D simulation
Abstract In this paper, in order to overcome the limitation caused by the lack of linkage between design BIM and construction BIM, a study was conducted to predict the process sequence using attribute information of the design 3D model. The LSTM algorithm was used as the prediction algorithm, and the research was conducted on a total of three cases. In the case of the same process single prediction LSTM model, the loss value was predicted through the precedence relationship in which the process name and number of the design BIM model were established, and in the case of the same process simultaneous prediction LSTM model, it was confirmed that the number of numbers specified by the user was grouped and predicted. Finally, in the case of the two-way process simultaneous prediction LSTM model, it was found that the prediction was made in the order of the number of processes far from each other in the order of No. 1 abandoned
concrete No. 5 and No. 2 No. 4. As a result of conducting three case 4D simulations on the two design BIM models to verify the prediction results, it was confirmed that the design BIM models were simulated in the predicted order.