Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Assessment of the Impact of Ground Rainfall Data on Radar Rainfall According to Local Gauge Correction Methods
Authors 진종훈(Jin, Jonghun) ; 김동규(Kim, Dongkyu) ; 오상율(Oh, Sangyul) ; 이현지(Lee, Hyeonji)
Page pp.793-804
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 레이더 강우; QPE; 레이더-지상 강우 보정; 자료 불확실성 Radar rainfall; QPE; Radar-rain gauge adjustment; Data uncertainty
Abstract This study assessed the role and impact of ground rainfall data in adjusting radar rainfall measurements. Radar rainfall is widely used due to the limited spatial resolution and coverage of rain gauges. Due to the inherent uncertainty of radar rainfall, many studies have been done to calibrate it with ground rainfall. While technical methods for improving radar rainfall quality are important, the characteristics of the data used are equally critical but less studied. To assess the impact of ground rainfall data on adjusted results, we selected Gangwon State which is an area with a low density of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) rain gauges. We analyzed the effects of utilizing ground rainfall from the Korea Forest Service's mountain meteorological observation network alongside KMA data. The results showed that incorporating both datasets improved accuracy in terms of intensity by 27-47 % (based on the sum of squared errors) and enhanced temporal variability by 7-45 % (based on correlation coefficients) compared to using only KMA data. The diversity and spatial distribution of ground data can enhance the accuracy of adjusted results, especially in areas with complex terrain.