Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title A Study on the Port Space Typification and Characterization Based on FBCs
Authors 황선아(Hwang, Sun Ah) ; 김종구(Kim, Jong Gu)
Page pp.255-268
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 항만공간;공간 유형화;장소성;요인분석 Port area;Space typification;Form based codes (FBCs);Placeness;Factor analysis
Abstract A lot of city have different characteristics in their location, space and environment each other. These characters are the factors showing inherent placeness of each space, and those factors should be reflected sufficiently in urban planning and development. Nonetheless, there are many parts that are not actually reflected in the plan, and this creates a space of unexpected arming. Especially, port area in a port city has strong characteristics of culture, history, geography and environment of the city concerned so it must make more creative and unique space. Therefore, it is considered that not only the physical factors but also the social factors should be actively reflected to highlight the place character of the port space. In this paper we are to construct the factors forming the placeness of port space based on the Form Based Codes rising as a flexible urban planning method in order to avoid rigidity of existing use district zoning system, and establish the placeness character of each port area.