Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Rheological Characteristics and Debris Flow Simulation of Waste Materials
Authors 정승원(Jeong, Sueng Won)
Page pp.1227-1240
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 토석류;유변학;휴.폐광산;항복응력;소성점도 Debris flow;Mobility;Rheology;Yield stress;Plastic viscosity
Abstract In this study, vehicle/track interaction analysis by the Saemaul powered vehicle was carried out. The prediction equation for the bending stress of rail was estimated using the rail bending stress by the rail surface irregularities at welds. Also, the fatigue analysis using a S-N curve of welds in the conventional railway was carried out. We estimated the fatigue life of CWR by the fracture probability. By the rail grinding, the fatigue life of CWR was evaluated in consideration to reduce the rail bending stress through removing the rail surface irregularities. Therefore, it presented the fatigue life of CWR according to the rail grinding execution plan in the conventional railway.