Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Sensitivity Analysis of Uncertainty Sources in Flood Inundation Mapping by using the First Order Approximation Method
Authors 정영훈(Jung, Younghun) ; 박제량(Park, Jeryang) ; 여규동(Yeo, Kyu Dong) ; 이승오(Lee, Seung Oh)
Page pp.2293-2302
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 민감도 분석;FOA 방법;홍수범람도;불확실성 전파;홍수위험관리 Sensitivity analysis;FOA method;Flood inundation map;Uncertainty propagation;Flood risk management
Abstract Sensitivity Analysis of Uncertainty Sources in Flood Inundation Mapping by using the First Order Approximation Method