Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Integrated GPS Network Adjustment for Determining KGD2002 Coordinate Sets
Authors 이영진 ; 정광호
Page pp.167-173
ISSN 10156348
Keywords GPS network;integrated network adjustment;national control point;KGD2002;GPS망;통합망조정;국가기준점
Abstract This paper analyzes the procedure of calculating how the results of national control points (triangulation points), based on Bessel datum, have been transformed into those of KGD2002, based on the world geodetic system. GPS and EDM data observed from 1974 to 2008 were used for this purpose. A large-scale integrated GPS network was constructed to estimate the results of KGD2002 and new national control points about 12,000 were decided through multiple stages of data processing. The accuracy of these results is ±0.015m (95%) in the horizontal direction and ±0.030m (95%) in the vertical direction. The adjusted results verified by the construction of an integrated GPS/EDM network were compared with the results of KGD2002. In conclusion, the bulletin results are thought to be appropriate because the coordinate differences (RMSE) are ±0.0025m and ±0.008m in horizontal and vertical directions respectively.