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Title A Exploratory Study on an Introduction of a Walking Safety Measure for Walking Right - Centering around Walking Safety Measures of Advanced Countries
Authors 장석용 ; 정헌영 ; 우승석
Page pp.17-25
ISSN 10156348
Keywords gap model of service quality;structural equation model;walking right;traffic calming;woonerf;서비스품질차이모형;구조방정식모형;보행권;보행권 강화대책;교통정온화;본 네프
Abstract In Korea, the importance of walking has not been stood out in relief because of the rapid increase of a car on a drastic economic growth in the past half a century. Walking has failed to be recognized as a traffic measure or one of basic human rights. Therefore this study brings up problems of weakened walking right from increase of cars and examines reinforcing policies for walking right of advanced countries. And this study presents institutional devices for introducing walking safety measures of advanced countries reflecting pedestrian satisfaction and opinions about walking right. The results of this study are, First, pedestrians" walking liberty is guaranteed, Second, how to repair walking environment is searched and practical measures are analyzed to find out what is applicable to Korea, can reduce pedestrian accidents and is wanted by pedestrians using GAP analysis and Structural Equation. Third, basic data for upcoming selection of policies are presented by analyzing pedestrian satisfaction assuming that selected measures are operated.